About PTSA
The Wood Middle School PTSA is a dedicated group of parents, teachers and students with the shared goal of enriching the experience for all students during their time at Wood Middle School. With donations of time, money and resources, we are able to provide and support programs and events throughout the school year, contributing to an enriched educational environment in the classroom and beyond.
The Wood PTSA also strives to be an avenue for parents to connect with the school community. To receive updates and information about events and ways to become involved return the Wood PTSA Membership Form with your e-mail address to the Wood Middle School office and/or like us on Facebook.
Why join the PTSA?
The PTA is a national organization that seeks to develop united efforts between educators and the general public so that all children may receive every educational advantage. The purpose of the Wood Middle School PTSA is to support educational opportunities for Wood students while also raising funds to enhance students’ learning experience. We do this by partnering with the school and community through volunteers to provide events and resources that support our vision. We also purposefully include Wood students in planning and executing our programs and events which explains why Wood’s “PTA” includes an “S” for students: Wood Middle School PTSA.
When do we meet?
This year the Wood Middle School PTSA will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:15am in the Wood Middle School Faculty Lounge. Everyone is welcome to attend. Typically, the principal, a few teachers and occasionally some students attend to communicate their needs and announce their achievements. It is the goal to keep meetings moving along and to last for an hour-ish.
How do I join?
Support the Wood Middle School PTSA this school year by becoming a member. The $20 membership fee covers state and national dues as well as administrative costs of the Wood PTSA. By joining the Wood PTSA, you are not obligated to attend meetings or events, but are welcome and encouraged to do so. Your membership supports educational opportunities for all Wood students. Simply purchase your membership by going to the Forms tab and print out our Wood PTSA Membership Form and mail/deliver your form with payment to the Wood Middle School office. Your membership card will be emailed to you. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Members with any questions.
The Wood PTSA also strives to be an avenue for parents to connect with the school community. To receive updates and information about events and ways to become involved return the Wood PTSA Membership Form with your e-mail address to the Wood Middle School office and/or like us on Facebook.
Why join the PTSA?
The PTA is a national organization that seeks to develop united efforts between educators and the general public so that all children may receive every educational advantage. The purpose of the Wood Middle School PTSA is to support educational opportunities for Wood students while also raising funds to enhance students’ learning experience. We do this by partnering with the school and community through volunteers to provide events and resources that support our vision. We also purposefully include Wood students in planning and executing our programs and events which explains why Wood’s “PTA” includes an “S” for students: Wood Middle School PTSA.
When do we meet?
This year the Wood Middle School PTSA will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:15am in the Wood Middle School Faculty Lounge. Everyone is welcome to attend. Typically, the principal, a few teachers and occasionally some students attend to communicate their needs and announce their achievements. It is the goal to keep meetings moving along and to last for an hour-ish.
How do I join?
Support the Wood Middle School PTSA this school year by becoming a member. The $20 membership fee covers state and national dues as well as administrative costs of the Wood PTSA. By joining the Wood PTSA, you are not obligated to attend meetings or events, but are welcome and encouraged to do so. Your membership supports educational opportunities for all Wood students. Simply purchase your membership by going to the Forms tab and print out our Wood PTSA Membership Form and mail/deliver your form with payment to the Wood Middle School office. Your membership card will be emailed to you. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Members with any questions.
PTSA Board Members for the 2020-21 school year:
All board members can be reached at [email protected]
President: Amy Vasquez
Vice President: Andrea Meyers
Treasurer: Wendy Porter
Secretary: Juliana Arsenault
All board members can be reached at [email protected]
President: Amy Vasquez
Vice President: Andrea Meyers
Treasurer: Wendy Porter
Secretary: Juliana Arsenault